Saturday, May 23, 2015

This 11-Year-Old Just Graduated College — And Now He Wants To Take The White House

Warning: The following news will either you make you feel very inferior and underachieving, or it will inspire you to get off your butt and do amazing, seemingly impossible things with your life. We’d advise you to aim for the latter.

An 11-year-old graduated from college this week with three degrees — and it’s an achievement he’s calling a “baby step” toward his inevitably mega-successful future.

Tanishq Abraham earned degrees in math and physical sciences, general science, and foreign language studies from American River College in Sacramento.

When he was just four, the wiz kid joined Mensa International, a group for people whose IQ’s are in the top two percent of the population. He started taking college classes at age seven, while he was being homeschool by his parents. Three years later, he graduated high school (where he unsurprisingly earned a 4.0 GPA) and enrolled in college full-time.

Abraham casually explained his success to Sacramento news station FOX40, saying, “I like to learn. So I just followed my passion of learning, and that’s how I ended up here.”

Though he’s clearly an atypically brilliant student, he celebrated like any other college graduate, by crafting a clever cap and going out to eat with his family.

The celebrations won’t last long, though, because this kid has some work to do. He tweeted that his diploma is merely a baby step toward accomplishing his “BIG” goals: becoming a Nobel Prize-winning doctor, medical researcher, and president of the United States.

For any other person, those would same like hella impossible ambitions, but this wiz kid is clearly superhuman, so we should probably start the Abraham 2040 campaign now.

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